Torreya californica in Geyserville, Sonoma County, CA
by Earle Cummings
"We own acreage in Sonoma County north of San Francisco that is under a conservation easement with Sonoma Land Trust. Because our daughter's name is Torreya, it is a happy coincidence that we have a stand of scattered Torreya trees, mixed in among oaks, redwood and Douglasfir in one of our canyons." Earle Cummings, 24 March 2017
EDITOR'S NOTE: Photo at left is the oldest tree, with multiple ages of basal growth. Two younger trees in the same forested area are shown below. All are wild. (As of January 2018, none of the California fires have entered this property.)
LOCATION (absent street number): Rockpile Road, Geyserville, Sonoma County, California, in a mixed evergreen forest with madrone, bay-laurel, coast live-oak, some redwoods, Douglasfir, and tan-oak.
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