Sequoia National Park Site
Photo S-1
4100 feet elevation
Photo S-2
Photo S-3 Photo S-4
Photo S-5 Photo S-6
S-1: Four seedlings are growing, dispersed, near the center of photo amid small rocks.S-2: Three healthy mature stems (orange tone) rising from same root base. Harold Wood for scale.
S-3: Seedling Torreya lower right, in bed of oak leaves. Bay Laurel evergreen leaves at back.
S-4: All understory light greenery here is sapling Torreya.
S-5: The pair of 51 inch and 60 inch circumference Torreya stems at cliff edge on left side of photo. Large oak trunks at right, with sapling Torreya right foreground.
S-6: Harold Wood photographing a Torreya seedling at his feet. Live oak trunks in foreground. Will this seedling have enough light to become a sapling in this darkest part of the forest?
Yosemite National Park Site A
Photo Y-A-1
approx. 5000 feet elevation
Photo Y-A-2
Photo Y-A-3 Photo Y-A-4
Photo Y-A-5 Photo Y-A-6
Photo Y-A-7 Photo Y-A-8
Photo Y-A-9
Y-A-1: Developing seeds on female tree, May 2005.Y-A-2: Spent pollen cones on male tree.
Y-A-3: Torreya's affinity for rocks shown in this mature stem, with sprout growing from left side of it.
Y-A-4: Base of one of the clump of big female full-sun Torreyas depicted in photograph 19 on previous page. Notice how, as a seedling, it had to establish beneath an overhanging boulder.
Y-A-5: Some male stems along the same road turnout, full-sun, as depicted in photograph 19 on previous page and Y-A-4.
Y-A-6: Another view of the same little full-sun Torreya depicted in photograph 20 on previous page. It is the round bright green little clump in the center, overhanging the road cut, with a little blue-color manzanita to its immediate right.
Y-A-7: The short and tall bright green foliage is Torreya, right next to the road. Yellowish green is live oak.
Y-A-8: Young Torreya emerging from rocks.
Y-A-9: Michael Dowd sits alongside several tall stems of bright-green Torreya; but the shrubby short mass in front is an Incense Cedar, and the only Incense Cedar I found at this site. If Incense Cedar becomes prevalent here, does this spell the doom for Torreya? Or is this Incense Cedar doomed, instead, to die of drought on this dry slope before it reproduces just as the lone, nearby Douglas Fir did, not long after it began reproducing.
Yosemite National Park Site B
Photo Y-B-1
approx. 3500 feet elevation
Photo Y-B-2
Y-B-1: A shrubby Torreya against boulder; large oak trunk and road to right; poison oak to left.Y-B-2: A shrubby Torreya immediately next to road, with a rare Ponderosa Pine behind it.
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