Loren Eiseley Tree
Evans property, Waynesville, North Carolina (planted July 2008)
"Loren Eiseley" (#23), shown by Russ Regnery, 7/31/08
Lee Barnes returns to Evans Property site
November 2008. Here, by seedling "Loren Eiseley"
he holds up a photo he took 20 years ago of the
biggest Torreya taxifolia tree: a female in
Norlina, NC. She is "Mom" to all but one
(all but "Celia") of the 31 seedlings that
were planted in NC July 2008, because the 2 female
trees that parented these seedlings were nurtured from
cuttings of the Norlina tree, pollinated by a male
grown from a cutting taking at the Henry Foundation
in Gladwynne, PA.
LEFT: November 2008, looking upslope;
Torreya foreground left.
September 23, 2010: noonish on sunny day
9/23/10: mottled sunlight beneath deciduous canopy
September 23, 2010: topdown view (photos by C. Barlow)
Loren Eiseley specimen is one of 4 specimens that were planted on a south-facing slope intermediate between the driest East part of the Evans property and the east-facing moist ravine slope on the West side of the property. (3,400 feet elevation)
LEFT (May 18, 2012): Notice how relatively open the forest floor is, beneath this entirely deciduous canopy. An open forest floor seems to be a bad indicator for Torreya health, and we wonder if this little patch indicates unhealed prior human disturbance. Christmas fern is nearby, which is a good sign. A 15-foot-tall young beech tree is also near to the right. A flame azalea is near to the right, which may be an indicator species that this is a stressful location for Torreya.
RIGHT (May 18, 2012): The original main stem is now fully dead. But two basal coppice stems both look healthy with new growth. On a scale in which "Celia" specimen is rated by Lee Barnes as a 10, this specimen is a 4.
LEFT (May 18, 2012): The hand shows the top of the dead, formerly main stem.
RIGHT (May 18, 2012): New apical (vertical) growth at the top of one of the basal coppice stems is a hopeful sign.
LEFT (May 18, 2012): The bareness of the forest floor to the left of this specimen is very evident in this photo and may indicate unhealed human disturbance.
RIGHT (May 18, 2012):
LEFT (May 18, 2012): Loren Eiseley specimen is in bottom left of photo (see the yellow flag that marks it). This photo was taken uphill and slightly to the east of it, looking back downslope to the southwest. The white stake in the distance marks the specimen "David Brower", which is also showing distress. Notice the expanse of open forest floor in between. (The west-east running path is bounded by two parallel small logs in the middle distance.)
Click here for NEXT TREE PLANTED at Evans Property, Waynesville.