Of the 50 seeds I received, 10 were planted in pots outdoors, covered in chicken wire to protect against squirrels.
The remaining 40 seeds were planted in the hillside where autumn olive used to grow, underneath the Liriodendron trees. The hill faces east and they will receive several hours of morning sun.
PHOTOS ABOVE: Seeds were planted 2 each in Droste Cans. This protects seeds from digging wildlife. I've used it successfully in the past with Quercus and Fagus. Cans are treated in a fire to remove the anti-corrosive coating and have a hole punched in the bottom. Seeds are planted in the upside-down can near the hole and the can is lightly buried. By the time the seedling has outgrown the opening, the can has rusted away (usually sooner, almost always by the end of the first season).
As seeds germinate, I will cover them with wire cages or piles of dead brush to prevent herbivore browsing. (SEE PHOTO BELOW.)