Florida Torreya at
Shoal Sanctuary (Florida Panhandle)

(Unusual health of an "experimental population" 80 miles west of native range)

Shoal Sanctuary is located in northern Walton County Florida in the community of Mossy Head. It is approximately 5 miles from exit 70 on I-10. 1475 Crowder Chapel Road, Mossy Head, FL 32434. Call for reservations: (850) 651-0392.


Why Shoal Sanctuary is superb for Torreyas

1. UPLAND HABITAT: Torreyas can be healthy in sandy soils if IRRIGATION NEVER FAILS.

2. UPLAND HABITAT: CLEARING VEGETATION to ensure full sun will produce dense, tall torreyas.

3. UPLAND HABITAT: LIMING (periodically) may be essential in pine-rich landscapes.

4. GROTTO HABITAT: STEEPHEAD RAVINES offer ideal moisture, cool, and absence of competition.

5. RAVINE HABITAT: Even gentle ravines of creeks may be good if torreyas are LOW ON THE SLOPE.

6. INDICATOR PLANT SPECIES: CHRISTMAS FERN is the ideal signifier of cool, moist habitat (confirmed at other Torreya Guardians planting sites).

7. GROWTH FLEXIBILITY: Torreyas evolved as UNDERSTORY EVERGREEN TREES adapted to grow slowly in even deep shade. They trend toward more lateral growth in quest of sunlight. Absent human assistance in clearing overstory vegetation, they would never be able to adopt and maintain a dense, Christmas-tree form. They can, however, live for a very long time. (See the Natural History page on this website.)

8. ROLE OF BASAL SPROUTS: If the apical leader is injured or removed, it will not be replaced. Instead, one or more BASAL SPROUTS will rapidly grow upward to take its place. (See the "Burn Tree" example.)

• MYSTERY QUESTION: Why are all torreyas at Shoal Sanctuary FREE OF HERBIVORY? What are the causes? And what does that teach us about finding other IDEAL SITES FOR EXPERIMENTAL POPULATIONS? The HERBIVORY question is explored in the SHOAL SANCTUARY VIDEO filmed January 2019 from timecode 16:13 to 30:48.


Recorded history of the land dates back to the 1830s. The property is believed to of been along the path of the "Trail Of Tears." After the U.S. government's "Indian Removal Act," Cherokee, Seminole, Creek, Timuquan, Muskhogean, and Apalachee were forced migrate west, and lore sites a leg of that journey along the old Indian footpath now called Crowder Chapel Road near the retreat. Local Native Americans have said that Shoal Sanctuary was once a ceremonial gathering place.
     In 2000, the Larsons acquired 35 acres of land adjacent to their existing 16-acre property, and began a reforestation project blazing trails and developed the retreat along their Shoal river property. Long-leaf pine, ash magnolia, Florida Torreya and other native trees have been planted to restore the land, as the Larsons participate in Florida's Forest Stewardship program
     In 2020, the nature preserve expanded from 50 to 115 acres of riverfront with pristine, old growth trees, white sandy beaches, steep majestic cliffs, and three additional freshwater ravines. [Freshwater ravines are ideal cool microsites for Torreya.]

Planting Sites of Florida Torreya at Shoal Sanctuary

1. Upland

The flat uplands of Shoal Sanctuary are managed for LONG-LEAF PINE and GOPHER TORTOISE. In 2000, 14,000 pine seedlings were planted. In 2001, 4 potted seedlings of FLORIDA TORREYA were planted in cleared areas.

Maintenance of torreya health here requires (1) irrigation maintenance, (2) clearing of competing vegetation, (3) protection from fire during the controlled burns, and (4) occasional application of agricultural lime when any evergreen leaves begin to turn yellow.

Torreya in 2001 = 4 potted seedlings. In 2025, just 2 remain (but both are in good health).

LEFT: Chris Larson with the "Totem" torreya tree, 2015.

2. Grotto

The Grotto begins a classic steephead ravine with moss-covered sandstone walls and a small waterfall at its head (photo left). In February 2015, Connie Barlow delivered 40 torreya seeds to Chris Larson, which were among the 7,000 seeds donated to Torreya Guardians autumn 2014 from the otherwise uncollected seed production at the Blairsville, Georgia, ex situ orchard.

In March 2015, the 2 owners and church children planted 20 of those seeds into flagged locations that Connie had marked out in Grotto Ravine. In 2019, 5 of the 20 were documented. In 2025, the same 5 were documented again.

3. Chrysemys Creek

Chris Larson reports that the property includes 5 ravines that have some steep slopes ideal for torreya's needs for cool and moist habitat.

In March 2015 scouts arrived and made their own site choices for planting the remaining 20 seeds down in the ravines: mostly Chrysemys Creek (which is visible in the bottom right corner of the photo).

January 2019, Connie Barlow video-recorded the sites where Chris had recently found a total of 5 seedlings (photo left). By then, 1 had disappeared on a very steep slope, and thus 4 remained. January 2025, only a few sites were searched, with photo-documentation of 3 seedlings.

• Advance to 1. UPLAND section

• Advance to 2. GROTTO section

• Advance to 3. CHRYSEMYS CREEK section

5 VIDEOS of Shoal Sanctuary Torreyas
by Connie Barlow (2015, 2019, 2025)

   VIDEO 2015-A: Torreya Trees at Shoal Sanctuary FL: Four Torreyas on Sandy Uplands

Chris Larson shows the 4 UPLAND Torreya trees thriving since their planting in 2001. Of note: (1) only one tree has grown reproductive structures (male); (2) one survived a severe burn amid the longleaf pines; (3) all are thriving in nearly full sunlight on sandy soils; (4) agricultural lime is applied only rarely (when the evergreen leaves show yellowing); and (5) all four specimens are watered twice weekly.    10 minutes - published February 17, 2015.

   VIDEO 2015-B: Torreya Trees at Shoal Sanctuary FL: Grotto Ravine (preparing to plant seeds)

Connie Barlow identifies sites for 18 seeds of Torreya taxifolia to be planted in the moist, cool habitat of Grotto Ravine, within Shoal Sanctuary, Florida. Connie walks with camera through the ravine, speaking about why this spring-fed sandstone ravine in the Florida panhandle might be the best place for Florida Torreya to make a last stand in its home state.
  28 minutes - published February 21, 2015.

   VIDEO 2019 - 31a: Freeplanting Torreya Seeds - Shoal Sanctuary FL pt 1 of 2

Site visit to Shoal Sanctuary, due west of Torreya's peak glacial refuge in northern Florida. Documentation of 5 seedlings thriving (and remarkably free of herbivory) four years after a total of 20 seeds were placed directly into the coolest, moistest habitat: Grotto Ravine.

  24 minutes - filmed January 30, 2019

   31b: Shoal Sanctuary FL pt 2 of 2

Documentation of 3 seedlings filmed four years after their seeds were planted directly into forested sites along Chrysemys Creek. Then summarizes the results and offers topics for further study — notably, why herbivory was absent at all planting sites. The evergreen Christmas Ferns are pointed out as ideal neighbors for (1) camouflage, (2) its "endo" mycorrhizal network, and (3) as an "indicator species" for identifying best microsites for Torreya.
  31 minutes - filmed January 30, 2019

   39: "Where NOT to plant the endangered Florida Torreya"

Photos and videos from 2007 through 2025 are aggregated tree by tree to offer a natural history and oral history way to understand factors that make flat upland plantings in the southern-most states lethal for torreya, absent irrigation and occasional application of agricultural lime. This contrasts with the ongoing success of downslope and ravine plantings at the two nature preserves featured here: Shoal Sanctuary in the western Florida panhandle and Caroline Dormon Nature Preserve in northern Louisiana.
  1 hour - assembled March 2025

CONCLUSIONS by Connie Barlow and advocacy for: (1) officially designating both preserves as "experimental populations" and (2) having seeds donated from the 2 ex situ plantings of wild genetics in northern Georgia for planting in the ravines and other downslopes of both preserves.

Why Shoal Sanctuary is superb for Torreyas

1. UPLAND HABITAT: Torreyas can be healthy in sandy soils if IRRIGATION NEVER FAILS.

2. UPLAND HABITAT: CLEARING VEGETATION to ensure full sun will produce dense, tall torreyas.

3. UPLAND HABITAT: LIMING (periodically) may be essential in pine-rich landscapes.

4. GROTTO HABITAT: STEEPHEAD RAVINES offer ideal moisture, cool, and absence of competition.

5. RAVINE HABITAT: Even gentle ravines of creeks may be good if torreyas are LOW ON THE SLOPE.

6. INDICATOR PLANT SPECIES: CHRISTMAS FERN is the ideal signifier of cool, moist habitat (confirmed at other Torreya Guardians planting sites).

7. GROWTH FLEXIBILITY: Torreyas evolved as UNDERSTORY EVERGREEN TREES adapted to grow slowly in even deep shade. They trend toward more lateral growth in quest of sunlight. Absent human assistance in clearing overstory vegetation, they would never be able to adopt and maintain a dense, Christmas-tree form. They can, however, live for a very long time. (See the Natural History page on this website.)

8. ROLE OF BASAL SPROUTS: If the apical leader is injured or removed, it will not be replaced. Instead, one or more BASAL SPROUTS will rapidly grow upward to take its place. (See the "Burn Tree" example.)

• MYSTERY QUESTION: Why are all torreyas at Shoal Sanctuary FREE OF HERBIVORY? What are the causes? And what does that teach us about finding other IDEAL SITES FOR EXPERIMENTAL POPULATIONS?
The HERBIVORY question is explored in the SHOAL SANCTUARY VIDEO filmed January 2019 from timecode 16:13 to 30:48.

1. UPLAND Section
4 torreyas from potted seedlings planted in 2001
(all are on automatic irrigation; they would otherwise die in their full-sun habitat)

"Gazebo" Tree

GAZEBO TREE in January 2025
(Left photo by Joseph Guite; Clint Bancroft in photo. Right photo by Clint Bancroft.)

CLINT BANCROFT REPORTS: "Gazebo Torreya is the largest torreya. It is very healthy. We estimate about 14 or so feet tall. Dijon (Joseph Guite) found male structures but they seemed to be on a single limb on the north-facing side of the tree."

ABOVE: Rotated view of the branch with male pollen buds, 2025.

Earlier photos of GAZEBO TREE:


ABOVE & BELOW: January 2019 Gazebo tree


* * * * *

ABOVE: February 2015 Gazebo tree, with Chris Larson.
Photos were extracted from a VIDEO. Watch from
timecode 07:24 to 09:38.

* * * * *


ABOVE LEFT COLUMN: November 2007 - This individual is expressing a lot of yellowed leaves. So when Connie Barlow visited the site in November 2007, she sprinkled agricultural lime around the base of the tree, which she learned to do during her visit in 2005 to the Atlanta Botanical Garden propagation center. Click here to learn about how "sudden oak death" is being fought in California by the use of lime around sickened oak trees.

ABOVE RIGHT: 2013 - Liming seems to have made the difference. Gazebo Tree looks very healthy.

"Burn" Tree


BURN TREE in January 2025 (photos by Clint Bancroft)
Photo at right left includes Joseph Guite. At right is the single basal sprout.

JOSEPH GUITE (pictured above left) reports on the BURN TREE in 2025: "The Burn Torreya lost its apical bud at some point, & someone pruned it off at ~6ft (it was cut clean). The tallest remaining branches are at least 7ft tall. Its relatively small stature made looking for reproductive buds easy, but we didn't find any."

CLINT BANCROFT reports reports on the BURN TREE in 2025: "Burn Tree has a very large basal sprout, just one, and it is over 3 feet tall by quesstimate. The sprout is very vigorous, and it only occurred to me later that it is establishing a new trunk because there is not a clear leader on the rest of the Burn tree."

CONNIE BARLOW concurs: My experience (especially with the Biltmore torreyas post-hurricane in 2006) suggests that whenever a torreya loses its leader, it maintains the existing stem for photosynthesis but immediately shoots upward one or more basal sprouts that will eventually reach the current top and then keep heading upward.

Earlier photos of BURN TREE:

ABOVE: January 2019 (Michael Dowd and dirt road in photo)

ABOVE: February 2015 Chris Larson with Burn torreya.
Photos were extracted from a VIDEO. Watch from timecode 05:04 to 07:23.

* * * * *

ABOVE LEFT: Landowner Chris Larson stands by a Torreya taxifolia that she planted in 2001 from a potted seedling. Chris and her husband own the Shoal Sanctuary in the Florida Panhandle (west of the Apalachicola). Because they are managing the sanctuary for native diversity (including burning to encourage longleaf pine), this particular individual was completely denuded in a prairie fire in January 2007. She thought the leafless tree surely was dead, but just 10 months later, in November 2007 notice the rich growth! Chris is standing on the side of the tree that received the most intense flame, and thus the branch she holds in her right hand (and those immediately below it) are still denuded, and thus were killed.

ABOVE MIDDLE: 15 months post-burn, April 2008, the tree is lopsided but recovering well from the fire.

ABOVE RIGHT: 2013, Robert Allen Larson with Burn Tree.

March 2015 controlled burn
of Longleaf Pine forest
near Burn Tree


PHOTOS IMMEDIATELY ABOVE: At left, Chris Larson stands with fire crew as the successful burn smokes out. At right, notice the gray charred ground that was the firebreak protecting Burn Tree.

RETURN to top of page.

"Lost-and-Found" Tree

ABOVE: By Connie's visit in January 2019, the "Lost-and-Found Tree"was dead. The irrigation device (black) is just a few inches right of the tree's base. Both Chris Larson and Connie Barlow speculated that the tree died from rodent damage, as their hands easily fit into the black hollow at the base and bark was missing from a visible shallow root to the left. (Shallow roots would be an adaptation to the water sprinkler.)

Earlier photos of LOST-AND-FOUND TREE:
CHRIS LARSON TELLS THE NAMING STORY: "Lost-and-found tree was presumed dead, so it was forgotten. But then we rediscovered it!. We began by clearing around it. Then used a chain saw to reduce the taller overstory."

ABOVE: February 2015 Chris Larson with Lost-and-Found torreya.
Photos were extracted from a VIDEO. Watch from timecode 03:50 to 05:02.

* * * * *

ABOVE LEFT is 2013: Robert Allen Larson removes invasive plants from the area of the "Lost & Found" Torreya taxifolia tree.

ABOVE RIGHT is March 2015: Although this densely vegetated area is not scheduled to be burned for longleaf pine management, a "caution" ribbon was draped over this Torreya in advance of the March 2015 controlled burn, which took place elsewhere on the property.

RETURN to top of page.

"Totem Pole" Tree

By the time of Torreya Guardians visit JANUARY 2025, Totem Pole Tree is DEAD.

The cause of death was not reported, but failure of the automatic irrigation system during a hot, dry summmer could result in death. Notably, the 2025 team reported NO STEM CANKERS or other visible signs of disease on the remaining 2 UPLAND TREES. And as you will see in the photos below, Totem tree was previously the biggest of all 4 upland torreyas.

JANUARY 2019 (photos by Connie Barlow)

ABOVE: Chris Larson estimates Totem Pole tree as 12 to 14 feet tall.

BELOW: Photos of Totem tree base, pollen buds, and lushness.

* * * * *


   February 2015 Totem Tree

The long-leaf pines in the background were planted in 2000 — just one year before the 4 torreyas were planted in 2001.

Pollen buds evident on the underside of a branchlet.

Photos were extracted from a VIDEO:

Watch from timecode 00:12 to 03:51.

* * * * *

ABOVE LEFT: November 2007 Connie Barlow and husband Michael Dowd admire one of the Shoal Sanctuary Torreya trees planted in 2001. Although this one appears lush, a few of the branches on the western side of the tree are yellowing. Owner Chris Larsen reports that 3 of the original 8 individuals planted in 2001 yellowed and died, so this one may be on its way out.

ABOVE CENTER: The same tree one month later, December 2007.

ABOVE RIGHT: The same tree in April 2008, with foliage fully recovered.


ABOVE LEFT COLUMN: MAY 2009 - Celebrating a lush and healthy "Totem Pole" Tree in a Florida rain.

ABOVE CENTER: SPRING 2013 - It's a boy! Totem Pole Tree produces male cones for wind dispersal of pollen. (Male cones are produced well interior of the branchlet tips; female cones are at the branchlet tips of female trees.)

RETURN to top of page.

2. GROTTO Section
Children Plant Torreya Seeds into GROTTO Ravine
(March 2015)

During 2 weekends MARCH 2015, the Larsons supervised children from a nearby church and a scout troop in planting torreya seeds directly into RAVINE HABITATS.

PHOTO BELOW: Three children are exploring the very beginning of the STEEPHEAD RAVINE, which is the deepest, darkest part of the Shoal Sanctuary property. Unlike in the UPLAND, none of the torreyas will ever be artificially watered down here.

   Shade is so intense here that even after 8 or 9 years of growth, and the seeming absence of leaf herbivory, the seedlings are all still small.

Genus torreya is adapted for many centuries of subcanopy persistence.

But when humans keep competing vegetation cut away in the upland, the sunlight shapes a relatively fast-growing, dense Christmas-tree shape — as seen in the preceding UPLAND section.

PHOTO-ESSAY: Children Plant Seeds of Endangered Tree at Shoal Sanctuary

In March 2015 Chris Larson organized groups of scout, church, and other youth to plant seeds of Torreya taxifolia that were donated for this purpose by Torreya Guardians. Click for Full-page photo-essay. Because Robert Larson is a sculptor (and Shoal Sanctuary began as a sculpture garden in the forest), all seedlings are marked by a carved stone with runes lettering — and usually a pinwheel to frighten the herbivores!


"ISAIAH" in January 2025 was planted March 2015
by 61-year-old Christina Larson (property co-owner).

BELOW is 1 photo of Isaiah (from video) January 2019
WATCH VIDEO from timecode 06:12 to 08:13.

"NEW HOPE" in January 2025 was planted March 2015
by 78-year-old Robert Larson (property co-owners)

BELOW is 1 photo of New Hope (from video) January 2019
WATCH VIDEO from timecode 08:47 to 10:57.

"EVAN" in January 2025 (left) was planted March 2015
by 10-year-old Evan (right)

BELOW: Chris pointing to Evan January 2019, with closeup right
WATCH VIDEO: as photos are from timecode 10:58 to 16:12.

"FOSSIL" in January 2025 (left) and 2019 (right)
was planted March 2015 by 8-year-old Olivia (below)

WATCH VIDEO that the 2019 photo was drawn from, beginning at timecode 16:54 to 19:50.

"DINO" in January 2025 was planted March 2015
by 6-year-old Kyle (below DINO in January 2019)

WATCH VIDEO that the 2019 photo below was drawn from, beginning at timecode 16:54 to 23:58.

RETURN to top of page.

3. CHRYSEMYS Creek Section
Children Plant Torreya Seeds into sloping ravines
(March 2015)


"TARANTULA" in January 2025 was planted March 2015
by 3-year-old David, pictured here with his dad Chris Demers
(who is University of Florida Forestry Stewardship Coordinator).

ABOVE are 2 photos (from video) January 2019: Chris at Tarantula marker and close-up.
timecode 00:31 to 06:52.

BELOW are 2 photos Chris took in March 2024.

"TREK" in January 2019 was planted March 2015
by 8-year-old Bowen

ABOVE are 2 photos (from video) January 2019
WATCH VIDEO from timecode 06:54 to 09:15.

"CEFUS" in January 2025 was planted March 2015
by 7-year-old Beau

BELOW is a photo (from video) January 2019
WATCH VIDEO from timecode 10:35 to 13:16.

"GROW TALL" in January 2025 was planted March 2015
by 9-year-old Ian

(at the confluence of Chrysemys Creek and No Man's Glen)

BELOW are 2 photos (from video) January 2019
WATCH VIDEO from timecode 13:17 to 16:07.

* * * * *

• Many more photos (and a full list of plant and children names) can be accessed here:
PHOTO-ESSAY: Children Plant Seeds of Endangered Tree at Shoal Sanctuary

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Short Reports on the Seed-Planting Results
(posted chronologically)

APRIL 2016 (by Chris Larson): A band of boy scouts came to Shoal Sanctuary for Earth Day to install granite markers where seeds were planted last March. We were thrilled to discover sprouting torreyas. So far, we have found five. The biggest one was named Grow Tall by its planter, 9 year old Ian. We've got oodles of photos for you but too big to email. Here's a sample. The first (below left) is Grow Tall (IS 4) planted by Ian and the 2nd (below right) is a child pointing to Peace (CC 3) planted by 9-year-old Kai.

MAY 2016 (by Chris Larson): We searched Grotto Ravine yesterday and are happy to report five more sprouts. The count is now 11 of the 40, alive and well. Most are in wetlands but one is ten feet above a creek, fairly dry. I'm documenting every observed detail.

JUNE 2016 (by Chris Larson): We're a bit concerned. All 40 of the Shoal Sanctuary seeds were planted at only 1 inch deep. One was dug up within a month. This year we found 11 seedlings in May. Went back to check in June: 2 seedlings have vanished, but 2 others elsewhere have now sprouted. So we are still at 11 of 40 and counting.

JANUARY 2017 (by Chris Larson): The Florida panhandle had a severe drought from October to December. After the good January rain, we did a survey of the plantings and found four seeds growing. We are still hopeful that the others are waiting for better conditions before they show signs of life. The sprouting seeds are:

CC#3 Tarantula, planted by 3-year-old David in swampy soil 3 feet from creek; that sapling has new growth. CC#9 Trek, planted by Bowen in swampy soil 2 feet from creek (at confluence of By Gorge and Chrysemys Creek) is green and healthy. IS#3 Cefus, planted by Beau atop a hill 8 feet above Chrysemys Creek; its leaves died from the tips halfway up. The surrounding Bay Laurels also have dead leaves from the drought. But with the good rain we hope IS#3 Cefus will revive and send its roots deep down to the creek. IS#4 Grow Tall, planted by Ian 2 feet from creek (at the confluence of By Gorge and Glenn Glen Creek, at the beginning of Chrysemys Creek) is doing well with new growth. We had to straighten the granite marker, as it was loosened by the rain in the moist soil.

JANUARY 2019 (by Connie Barlow). I video-documented the free-planting results January 2019, with Chris Larson as guide. Click to ACCESS THE 2-PART VIDEO SET.

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Long-form essay places Florida Torreya
in context of people, place, and history

April 2021

SHOAL SANCTUARY is one of the torreya sanctuaries featured in this literary essay:

"This Is Paradise", by writer Martha Park, was published in the April issue of The Bitter Southerner. It is beautifully written and has superb illustrations, including ...

   PHOTO LEFT: "Chris Larson admires a Torreya tree at her property at Mossy Head."

The tagline summary of the essay:

"The rare Florida torreya tree grows only in the wild along a narrow stretch of the Apalachicola River. In the 1950s an eccentric lawyer named E.E. Callaway declared it was the gopher wood tree from which Noah's Ark was built. Today the Florida torreya is on the brink of extinction. Can the story of this tree and the people who love it help bridge the gap between science and faith?"

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