In the second video from 2018 (Episode 30b), Rick Johnson explains that before any seeds were noticed on the tree, his father was astonished to see a seedling about 20 feet away from the base of Tree #3. That was sometime around the turn of the century.
Since then, the maximum number of seeds counted on the tree was 14 in about 2014. (2018 had just 4 seeds.) Even so, a total of 7 seedlings are marked by flags, with 5 of the 7 having been transplanted to about 30 or 40 feet away.
ABOVE LEFT: Rick Johnson spotted this seedling about 5 years earlier and flagged it. In the video, a close-up shows that its growth was arrested by injury (herbivory?) to the apical, and so now there are 2 equal size leaders arising from the top and slightly angled outward. The seedling is well camouflaged by the ground-running parent branch.
ABOVE RIGHT: This seedling was relocated into the young Bigleaf Magnolia grove just 30 or 40 feet from the parent Tree #3.

ABOVE: Another of the relocated seedlings. A fallen leaf of the deciduous magnolia is in the foreground.
• SEPTEMBER 2024 UPDATE by BAYLI Q. BROSSETTE, Curator of Briarwood
The big torreya by Log Cabin is thriving, and we found a new seedling a few weeks ago. PHOTO LEFT. It is about 3 inches tall.
I also discovered one much further into the woods below the log cabin, about 3 foot tall but 5 foot wide. (I will have to get a photo for you.) It's about 15 yards away.
The other offspring around Log Cabin Torreya seem to be doing wonderfully although they have not grown much height since I have been here.
SEE BELOW FOR MARCH 2025 PHOTOS of the distant seedling.