BUFORD PRUITT, our torreya planter in Brevard NC, also found success with floaters. He reported:
"... Those cages also contain 15 seedlings from the 2012 crop of 20 seeds given to me. The 2012 seeds were small, pale floaters — quite unlike the larger, darker, denser 2010 and 2011 seeds. I planted 4 to a 1-gal pot (previous years had 2 per pot) in Florida. By late April, 4 of them had sprouted and were growing vigorously. Shortly after moving from Florida to North Carolina, a flush of 8 sprouted during early June 2013 and another 3 have sprouted since then. That totals 15 sprouted seedlings from the 2012 seeds, or 75% success rate thus far."
• November 2020 + 2021 / Clint receives seeds from Clinton and Mt Olive NC horticultural seed harvests
From 2020 harvest, Clint was sent 170 Clinton and 70 Mt Olive seeds.
From 2021 harvest, Clint was sent 200 Mt Olive seeds.
• February and March 2022 / Clint Bancroft / Update on Florida Yews
I have more than a few Florida Yews. In fact, I planted two new ones down near the creek today. At one time I had around 30 but have lost a few to God knows what. Sudden orange death I call it.... The yews that died were on moderate to steep slopes. The ones at "creekside" are away from the creek and on either a slope or atop a mound.
• April 2022 / Clint Bancroft / Voles have killed several out-planted potted seedlings
Jack stopped by briefly a few weeks ago and we surveyed the "Torreya Bowl" [a backwoods location where Clint is planting maximal genetic diversity near one another]. I wanted to show him how one of my precious Medford seedlings (one of only 5) had died. We also found that a 5 (or so) year-old seed-grown Blairsville tree was also dead. Jack tugged on the dead Blairsville tree and it came right up, having no roots left and the bark having been chewed off from the ground upward about 7 inches. Thinking about changing the name to the Vole Bowl!! I was sick over the Medford tree. None of the Medford trees have grown quickly compared to trees from some other sources. It has been interesting/puzzling why trees from one source seem to consistently outgrow trees from another source. The trees from Mail Order Natives clearly outgrow all others, with Blairsville being a close second. My biggest tree is, not coincidentally, a Mail Order Natives tree which was purchased as a gift for me by a friend from Native Nurseries in Tallahassee. It is now about my height; short for a man but not bad for a Torreya!! Trees from other sources survive but do not exhibit the same growth rate.
I should have germination of Highlands and Clinton seeds this summer.
Note on FLORIDA YEW: I have not had any great problem with my FL Yews. In fact, they seem happy. I have lost 2 (out of about 30) and there was no clear cause for their demise. I did have one to be eaten almost to the ground by I don't know what. The tree was caged and is close to numerous other specimens also in cages. None of the others have been touched. The eaten tree is regrowing.
• June 2022/ Clint Bancroft / Precious Norlina NC cutting of a basal tip has rooted!
BACKGROUND: December 2021, PAUL CAMIRE photo-documented the NORLINA TREE in North Carolina and took some basal sprout cuttings.
PHOTO LEFT: May 10, 2022, CLINT BANCROFT sent this photo and reported that it had "rooted" (and thus was on its way to becoming a tree). Clint wrote:
"I know it is rooted because I tugged on it GENTLY and got resistance. I would not have tried that this early on except, to my delight, it had put on apical and lateral growth.
"The tiny five buds were present when I received the cutting from Paul, but I really did not expect to see them burst, especially during their first spring.
"This appears to be the only cutting which is apical. However, they have ALL rooted (by tug test) and most have new growth."
SIGNIFICANCE: Visit the OFFSPRING section of the main Norlina Tree page, and you will grasp the significance of establishing a 100% clone of this 160-year-old tree, whose descendants now inhabit many states.
• July 2022/ Clint Bancroft / Visits torreya seedling he donated to Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center, Chattanooga TN
CLINT WRITES: "I went to Reflection Riding Arboretum in Chattanooga today and was able to get someone to show me where they planted the Torreyas I gave them 2 years ago.
There were 6 trees donated, and they already had one which was still in a one-gallon pot.
They were only able to locate two of them today, but promise they will locate the remaining trees.
Both the ones I got to see looked sweetly content. One had a new vertical and also had 2 basal sprouts which were not there when I donated the trees. The second had 4 new lateral branches with no vertical growth so far."
PHOTO of Clint alongside one of the picture-perfect torreys at the arboretum.
Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center is near downtown Chattanooga, TN. It is a nonprofit arboretum, botanical garden, nature center, and historical site located at 400 Garden Road, Chattanooga, Tennessee. The facility includes the 317-acre arboretum, 15 miles of trails, live animals indoor and outdoors, and a treehouse.
• September 2022/ Clint Bancroft / Proof that a basal sprout will form on the rooted cutting of the apical tip of a basal stem cut from another torreya
Email to Connie Barlow 2 September 2022:
"We have wondered if a rooted apical basal sprout will eventually form its own basal sprouts. This PHOTO shows a basal sprout which has formed on a rooted apical cutting from one the Highlands, NC trees. My tag says it is from a cutting I took there in October 2017."
LEARNING: Finally, we have confirmation that not only will a rooted cutting of the apical tip of a basal stem grow into a tree-like (rather than shrubby) form. Now we know that it will also grow basals of its own! This assures us that, as with its wild cousin California Torreya, Florida Torreya grown from apical basal cuttings will indeed be capable of manifesting the tree form again and again — no matter what injury may kill the main stem itself. Nobody has tried to guess whether the rootstock itself may endure for perhaps millennia because annual growth rings do not form below the soil. (Even the well-studied Coast Redwood has not had this mystery answered.)
• November 2022/ Clint Bancroft / EXPERIMENT: Can a vertical branchlet cutting from an old rooted lateral produce a tree form?
An acquaintance in Pensacola FL has a cutting-grown Torreya from Semmes, Alabama (Dodd and Dodd nursery). Last year (2021) his plant, which is a sprawling branch still less than 3 ft long and growing parallel to the ground, put on several vertical sprouts from the trunk (stem). He allowed me to collect most of those sprouts — and they have rooted. So far, it appears one may make a tree form and the others are iffy. When I'm back in Pensacola I will ask him if I can photograph his plant since I left one or two of the verticals on it to see what they will do.
PHOTOS (Nov 2022) of four of the rooted cuttings:

ABOVE: Photos 1 and 3 show dominant lateral growth still; not vertical leader growth. But I have ongoing experiments rooting true apical basal cuttings from other trees — and they also look this way for a year or so before sending up leader growth. My thought is that, rather than continuing vertical growth right away, they put on a lateral branch first to maximize light capture. Next spring/summer may tell.
• September 2023 / Clint Bancroft / Good news on the seedling from the Louisiana torreya tree
I have good news from Greasy Creek. As you know, there was only one seed from the 5 we were gifted from the Dorman torreya collection in Louisiana (November 2018 site visit). I had the good fortune, and awesome responsibility, of being the holder of that single seedling. It is doing well, still in its pot behind an impassable fence wire barrier. This year the tree has put up a basal sprout. I plan to leave it on the parent until next fall and then collect it for rooting. My sense is that it is yet too small for collection this year. This, being the rarest among our collection from various seed sources, will be dealt with very cautiously.

Editor's note, with above photos:
ABOVE LEFT: Clint Bancroft receives several torreya seeds produced by the tallest Florida torreya at the Caroline Dormon Nature Preserve in Louisiana, November 2018. (The tree is immediately behind Clint.)
ABOVE RIGHT: Clint took this photo nearly five years later (September 2023) of the basal sprout emerging from a young torreya growing from one of those seeds. (It takes 2 winter stratifications before torreya seeds will germinate.) Clint Bancroft is a Torreya Guardian who aims to plant the most genetically diverse population of seedlings in a wild forest setting on his property along Greasy Creek, in the Ocoee watershed of southeastern Tennessee.
• October 2023 / Clint Bancroft / A torreya grown from seed emerges with a triple stem

Torreya as trinity! Today as I was removing seedlings from their group container to put into individual one-gallon pots, I discovered that one had emerged from a single seed — but had three trunks! Never before has a seed sprouted with more than a single trunk. (The group of seedlings in the container all sprouted from seeds harvested Fall 2021 at Mt. Olive, North Carolina.)
• November 2024 / Clint Bancroft / A torreya grown from seed emerges with a triple stem
My single Caroline Dorman Preserve (Louisiana) tree had a basal last year! However it was still too small to risk a rooting attempt. I decided to check it again today and found that it is still too small. However, there are now 4 more new basals, which are not much smaller than the pioneer. But they are all still too small to harvest.
• January 2025 / Clint Bancroft / After the snowfall
There are two separate trees like this, right after a snowfall. Both are in wire cages which don't show up well in a photo. They are planted on the forest edge, just at the top of a steep slope.
The site is up at the old motel part of the property. They get morning sun and are mostly shaded in the afternoon but still have good light.
These trees I purchased by driving to Mail Order Natives in Lee, Florida. They outperform trees from all other sources. They have grown dramatically since planting probably 3 years ago now.
This growth is characteristic of trees from Mail Order Natives in my experience. It has to be genetics. Clinton and Highlands NC trees live and grow, but nowhere near this rate. One of the trees had 13 inches of vertical growth in one year.
I planted them both in an entourage of Christmas ferns.
• February 2025 / Clint Bancroft / Squirrels planted another torreya!
Connie Barlow writes: I received an email today from Clint, with a photo of a now-third example of a squirrel being a skilled planter of a torreya seed. Somehow the squirrel was able to steal this seed from a very protected winter stratification site, and then securely planted it for future eating, as squirrels are skilled at doing.
Clint sent me the photo, with this text:
"This little guy was sitting right there in a bed of irises. How did he get there?? Obviously it had to be a squirrel, but how did he get the seed?"
See the previous 2 examples of squirrels assisting Clint in the October and December 2019 entry.